Thursday, October 11, 2007

Revelation Song - Jenifer Smith

I'm so glad we are singing this praise in our churches today. It is a praise that will be made by everyone who has ever lived....we will all bow at the feet of the throne, and offer this praise to God and to the lamb. I can't wait for the day when we sing it in God's presence. It's so exciting to me that we are singing it in our churches now....we are getting a chance to practice before that great day. In fact I had memorized this praise before it was set to music so I would be ready for that day. What a blessing that someone has put it to music for the church to's our worship and celebration of that day when we will be singing it in his presence....what a day that will be.


  1. I love this song! How could you not love it?!

    I didn't recognize the song by the title and when I first saw it I thought wow that's a long song.

    Towards the end I was wishing it would go on forever. That forever was beginning now.

    Have you read Yancey's book on prayer?

  2. Cheri,

    thanks for the comment. Yes, I have read Yancey's book on prayer. Some of it is good, but I think (for the most part) it is coming from the pen of a man who is just learning about prayer...the books that have really blessed me have been written by those who have been prayer warriors for decades...those are the people who know what it means to pray. Those are the people I want to teach me.
