Friday, October 12, 2007

The end of the world?

Here is an interesting article that made me thoughts after the article:

What would you do before the end of the world?

Thu Oct 11, 2:09 PM ET

LONDON, (Reuters)-- An asteroid is on a collision course with the earth and you have one hour left to live. What would you do in your last 60 minutes?
Not surprisingly, the majority of Britons questioned in a survey -- 54 percent -- said they would like to spend it either with or on the phone to their loved ones.
But the survey revealed a strong hedonistic streak -- 13 percent would sit back, accept the inevitable and reach for a glass of champagne.
Sex appealed to only nine percent while just three percent would turn to prayer.
Two percent intriguingly said they would reach for some fatty food while another two percent decided, with just an hour's life to go, that it was time to start looting.
The survey was commissioned by Ziji Publishing to mark the release of "Cloud Cuckoo Land" by debut novelist Steven Sivell who "uses the classic premise of an impending meteorite collision as a metaphor for threats to the human race."
May I say something that came to my mind? How crazy have we really become? I knew we were in a "Post-everything" culture, but for people to deal with the end of life so casually...makes me realize that most people I meet do their best to not think about eternity at all. What better way to deal with God than to ignore him? And that's what the world is doing.....ignoring the God who made them.
What kindness and grace God extends to us by not sending that asteroid today! But he doesn't, his love for us and desire to save us makes him wait. And so he waits for us to turn to trust him for salvation and forgiveness.
But there will be a day when we will, indeed, have only an hour before all of this ends. We won't know when that hour comes, but it's get ready!
As I say at every funeral I speak at, "there is a heaven to gain, and there is a hell to shun," are you ready for your last hour?

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