Friday, October 12, 2007

A reader's request

I got a wonderful e-mail from Jeremy today. He literally "tracked me down" through the internet to send me an e-mail.
Jeremy is a big fan of Major Ian Thomas, as am I! Major Thomas has made a tremendous impact on my life and thousands of others as well. Jeremy asked that I mention the Major's books. In fact I do have his latest book in my book list. It is his last book released just months before he died.
Let me say that this is a "must read" for any believer who wants to follow Christ. If you have not read it let me encourage you to save up your pennies and get this small, but wonderful work.
It will literally change your Christian life.
And, Jeremy, thank you for your e-mail and the time it took to find me. I look forward to visiting with you further.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, guess what?? We're going through this book in our home Bible study group down here!! Isn't that wild?

    We had a lively discussion this past Wednesday evening...guess who contributed the most to the "liveliness"? ME! hahahahaha

    I LOVE your blog...thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to do this!
