Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dodging traffic

It's been busy! I feel like I'm in the middle of the highway just dodging traffic. I have a number of things to do, people to see, plans to prepare, visions to cast, bible studies to prepare and teach, hospitals to visit, and in the last 10 days I have had 4 funerals!

In these last few days it's been hard to get time to think of anything to say here....I have to think of something to say or teach somewhere else nearly every day. I have been busier, but I'm not sure be patient with me....I'll be back in the groove in a few days.


  1. Is it not good that God has promised in His word to be with our mouth when He sends us out to speak. When we don't have the words we need He is the "Word" we are able to give. Another Mike
