Friday, September 07, 2007

A book report

Richard Dawkins, the leading atheist-apologist and author recently wrote a book that has been touted by Skeptic Magazine as the end of religion as we know it. That very commentary made me extremely curious about such a work, so I read it.

I anticipated being angry. I wasn't.

I anticipated being overwhelmed with "over-my-head" information, I wasn't.

I have to tell you that I was humored. The book wasn't profound. It wasn't revealing. It wasn't a great work that was the end of religion as we know it.

Actually it was a little boring, tedious, silly, repetitive, and arrogant. I couldn't understand why anyone thought it was such a great work proving that God doesn't exist, it didn't do that at all!

If you're curious, don't waste your money. Dawkins didn't prove anything other than the fact that he's just a silly man saying nothing. It confirms a verse that comes to my mind as I write this:

Psa 14:1 A David psalm. Bilious and bloated, they gas, "God is gone." Their words are poison gas, fouling the air; they poison Rivers and skies; thistles are their cash crop.


  1. Thanks for these thoughts Mike.

    I am currently working on a book that is, in part, a response to Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, and some of the other "new atheism" writers. I will be preaching a four part series on it this fall and I agree with you assessment.

    In the meantime, I thought you might be interested in my new book, "The End of Religion" which invites even people who are hostile toward religion to take another look at Jesus.



  2. PS: I forgot to mention that you can order "The End of Religion: An Introduction to the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus" on Amazon or through most bookstores.
