Friday, September 07, 2007

A small favor

So many of you tell me that you stop by and "peek in" on what I'm writing once in a while, but you don't leave a comment. Can I ask a small favor?
Would you take just a moment and leave a brief comment and your name so I will know you were here?
It's a small favor to a curious writer who is just wondering who is "peeking in."


  1. I am one that peeps regularly but never writes. I do talk to you on the phone every once in a while though, does that count?

  2. I'm one who stops by a couple of times during the week. I enjoy your writing, bible verses, pictures, cartoons, etc. You help me remember what's most important in life. You're so honest about what you're feeling that day or week and rejoicing with the Lord for your blessings or turning to Him for solace and peace. Keep up the good work. I've shared your blog address with family so come on Mom and Sheri. Love to Joye

  3. I am also a peeker that normally does not comment:-). But I see you at church all the time and tell you how much I enjoy your blog...does that count?

  4. I have started to pop by ! I enjoy your thoughts,and values. Today my mother died after a short and unexpected illness - she in now with the Lord. Finish well - we just never know when !keep it going your are reaching people

    thank you

  5. Mike, my question/comment isn't so much about the writing (which is always excellent, otherwise I wouldn't read it every day), but rather about the photos you constantly pop in to your posts. From where do you obtain them?


  6. I think you know I stop by often. Great words and great pictures. Who could resist?

  7. I always stop by. I don't comment; just sit and drink coffee.

  8. Rare visitor, frequent feed reader :)

  9. I have been a fan for a long while.


  10. Thank you all for your comments. If you blog I know you wonder if anyone is interested, so your comments are very encouraging. Thank you.

    Chris- the pictures have turned into a "hobby" of sorts. I have about 10 sites I visit for just the right picture for what I'm thinking. The pictures are also inspirational for me...I'm a visual thinker, so the pictures really help.

    thank you all for the encouragement.

  11. I am also a daily peeker that does not comment. I to enjoy your writing, bible verses, pictures, cartoons but mostly your honesty about your journey. It is all very encouraging for me. May the Lord’s blessings continue to flow through your life and your fingers.

    Joe Martin,

  12. I am a periodic peeker who enjoys the way you share your journey with the Lord and I can nod my head in agreement or ponder a point or just smile in amusement at a story or picture. I appreciate your honest sharing but I haven't commented before to let you know.

  13. This is the only blog that I have ever commented. I too enjoy your encouraged
    -living in scotland

  14. There are a few blogs that I read every few days and 'Finishing well' is a favorite. I appreciate the honesty in your writing and enjoy many of the images. Thank you and keep it up! Steve Sjostrom

  15. I'm a regular reader and occasional commenter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & God's word!

  16. I've been reading your blog pretty regularly for the past year. I am very glad that you do it. And I hope you continue to be led to do it.
    -Matt M.

  17. I'm usually checking in about once a week to get caught up with your encouragement. Thanks for blogging and always being a great friend and pastor. Please don't finish the well anytime soon - I'm still drinking the water!...Kerry

  18. Frequent visitor and frequent commenter (is that even a word). I have shared your blog with others. I check in not only for encouragement, but to check your "pulse" over the last year to see how I might pray for and encouage you.

    I come under an alis in my postings, but I have disclosed my "real" identity to you (not sure if you remember as it was in passing at church).

  19. I am also a frequent visitor, but seldom comment. There is no spell checker on this page! I do often forward your blog when I email freinds. Mike McM. A local, or loco whatever

  20. better late than never! I'm check in on you two or three times a week...

  21. I've been reading your blog for the last year and really enjoy it. Your posts really make me think.

    We moved away from Texas last Spring and I look forward to hearing a "voice from home" daily.

  22. I am more than a peeker...I am a "ruminator". The things you share resonate so much with me that I usually sit and ruminate over it for a while, then carry it with me the rest of the day. I appreciate your transparency. You have been and continue to be an encouragement to me! I start my day with a "Mike ruminations", praying that I, too, will finish well.

  23. I am more than a peeker...I am a "ruminator". The things you share resonate so much with me that I usually sit and ruminate over it for a while. I appreciate your transparency. You have been and continue to be an encouragement to me! I start my day with a "Mike ruminations", praying that I, too, will finish well.

  24. Hey Mike,
    I try to check in 3 or 4 times a month as time allows. Thanks for thoughts and inspiration and leadership.
    Jan G.
