Saturday, September 08, 2007

Seeing Jesus

I am constantly humored by the news reports of people who have seen a piece of toast, in a water stain, in a knot of wood. They gather from all directions to pray at these aberrations, hoping for a miracle. I'm glad they are looking for Jesus...that's encouraging, but they are looking in the wrong places.
People are seeing Jesus everywhere, but missing him in the only place where he said he would be seen- in the lives of his children! He never planned to be seen where we are looking, but he did say clearly he wants to be seen in you and me. Now, I have to tell you that no one has ever said to me, "Mike, your remind me of Jesus, in fact you act just like him." I wish it were so, but not yet. But this was Jesus' be seen in our lives.
That's why he planned to leave earth, send the Holy Spirit to live in us, and show himself, by the millions, through our lives. Looking for Jesus? He is alive and active on planet earth and can be the lives of those who have trusted him as savior. Live your life in such a way, surrendered to him living through you, so that people will see Jesus in YOU and say, "You remind me so much of Jesus."

Eph 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;


  1. Oh this is my prayer...
    alas - ich probiert, aber nicht machen.

  2. Mike...
    Many times you remind me of Jesus. Be encouraged at how He uses you.

