Friday, July 20, 2007

Powered by the unseen

Joh 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

The Christian life is a strange thing- we are led and influenced by someone we cannot see to travel as he leads. It's a strange relationship....the unseen Spirit of God living in and directing the life of the Christ follower. I often feel like one driven by the wind...sometimes in a direction I don't want to go...and yet God is in charge of my life, he's directing me....leading me...blowing me towards HIS goals. It is, in many ways, a mystical experience, but it is a real one. The Spirit in me is not a ghost, he is the living Spirit of God working out his plans in my life. I don't always know where he's "blowing" me, but he has a plan, and I can't wait to see where we end up.

Years ago I went sailing with a friend. He had a 37' sailboat. We set out on a very calm day, but halfway across the lake a storm came up. The winds went from 10 miles per hour to 50 miles per hour. A fun day of sailing turned into a fearful ride. I still remember my fears....I had never been in a storm like this. 3' whitecaps rolling over the boat. The boat itself was leaning over at more than 45 degrees. I was holding on for dear life...then I looked over at my friend, the sailor. He was wet from the rain, but smiling! I couldn't believe it....did he see what I saw? This was a bad storm, and he's smiling? I asked him could he could he be having fun? He said, "Don't worry, the keel weights 7,000 pounds. This little wind can't hurt us." And it didn't. We sailed back to port with a new lesson. Even in a storm if I have a good keel (God's word) and a good sailor (the Holy Spirit) I can sit back and enjoy the ride.

Pro 20:24 Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?


  1. This is why I like the story of Jonah(Sailing theme upheld). He (Jonah) actively went against GOD's will. Jonah ended up doing HIS will anyway while illustrating what happens to those who go try to work against HIM. Wouldn't it be great to have GOD leading us this way in our own lives. Does HE already?

  2. Mike,

    Thank you for reminding me that all I need is to continually surrender all my heart (no compartmentalizing) to my God and let Him reign over me and He’ll take care of everything. My heart is a one seater (credit to Sr. Pastor Toby Slough) built perfectly for Him - problems arise when I try to modify it to my likening in the forms of pride or idolatry.

    Have a blessed day,
