Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Corn, glorious corn!

We had a wonderful visit from friends of ours in the church, Bud and Brenda....they just got back from Iowa, and brought back several bags of fresh, just off the stalk, Iowa sweet corn. They made a home delivery and brought us some of their treasure. Being an Iowa boy myself I will tell you that fresh Iowa sweet corn is almost like a's wonderful. This time each summer we anticipate an opportunity to get a few ears of this wonderful "gold".

So, tonight we feast! Iowa sweet corn....butter....a little salt....

.....sorry for such a "corny" post.


  1. I don't want to butter you up or anthing, but I agree with your post, and for that matter all of your posts. I have really appreciated reading over the last few months. Keep it up! Iowa corn might be good, but if you will allow me to share a small kernel of truth, Jersey corn isn't bad either!

  2. My inlaws live in NJ and when we've been for a summer visit we eat TONS of fresh sweet corn (it turns out NJ isn't completely paved after all)! It is sooooo good. I hope you enjoyed it!

  3. it is delicious! we ate fresh, sweet iowa corn with our dinner last night.
