Saturday, July 21, 2007

Quote of the day

"The best evidence of the fallen heart of man is our desire to live according to law."
-Steve Brown

I was listening to Steve yesterday on the radio and he made this comment in passing. I thought it was profound so it's the quote of the day. What are your thoughts on this idea? In just one sentence Steve has created a cascade of thoughts for me.....our desire to please God OUR way, the core of any other faith but Christianity, the tendency of Christians to build a law structure....etc. Think about this quote for a moment, and tell me how it has played out in your life.


  1. I think the best evidence for the heart of fallen man is Hitler. Or maybe Manson. Dahmer, maybe. Make your own list and take your pick.

    Of course, the desire to live according to law is ulitimately selfishness/pride anyway, so I can see where he's coming from, though.

  2. Just turn on the news it doesn't matter what channel.
    Pride is what Steve is talking about. I would have a difficult time finding the opposite of this really. Humility and childlike faith. What examples do we have of this? We could say children but I have a few of those and am no longer deluded about their depravity. Pride being defined in the garden as being like GOD. (Without GOD).
