Friday, July 27, 2007

Getting ready for Sunday

I'm preparing a message for's such a pray, study, think (hard for me), prepare, write, rewrite, pray, think some more (harder as I go), study......

I think a sermon takes me about 40 years to prepare....and near the end of a sermon prep time it feels like it's taken that long.

Trying to balance study, prayer, the role of the Holy Spirit and what I must do is always hard. I find that I pray like crazy, study till my eyes hurt, write, rewrite.....and I get on stage to speak I pray, "Lord, here I am, use me for your glory, speak through me, say what you want to say..." And somehow, I don't know how.....God uses me. The understanding of all of this eludes me, but I'm thrilled to see what God does.

In my prep this week I came across a quote I wanted to share with you. It's a simple one, but I hope you will linger over the words for a few it is:

“If it pleases you, always and only, to do what pleases God….you can do as you please!"
- Ian Thomas


  1. What an amazing process, huh? I know it will be terrific!

  2. Dear Mike,

    We will be praying for you. I love your blogs! Thank you for sharing the "If it pleases" quote--I love that!
