Thursday, July 26, 2007

God's blessings

I must admit that I am a techie nerd. I love gadgets, but I have come late to the ipod party. I just recently got an ipod and I love it. For me it's part entertainment and part education. I have about 10 gigs of music loaded- mostly Christian stuff and a lot of different kinds of music in addition to that....jazz, classical, instrumental, new age, world...but the bulk of what I have loaded are podcasts- sermons or teachings from guys I respect and want to listen to.

The funny thing is that I just noticed I have over 350 podcasts on my ipod now and I don't think I have had time to listen to even 30 of them, but they are there when I get time. I guess my goal is to listen to all I have stored on this little unit before it wears out....that's a good goal, right?

All the new technology is's a great tool to use and I will...when I get some time....


  1. I could listen to my iPod, according to my iTunes library, for 10.2 days and never listen to anything twice. Sermons alone equals 1.8 days.

    I don't think I'll ever have that kind of time, but it's nice to know that I can kinda shop for what I want to listen to whenever I want!

  2. I'm curious...Who's podcasts are you listening to? Steve Brown? Also, I'm wondering...where did you find the pic of Jesus holding the iPod?

  3. Sandi,


    podcasts- Swindoll, Andy Stanley, Mars Hill, Ravi Zacharias, Imago Dei, DTS Chapel, Dave Hunt, Pete Briscoe, Fellowship Little Rock, and many more.....still adding new...that's just a few

  4. Gotta love Podcasts! I couldn't do housework or working out without mine! Welcome to the party, Mike!
