Saturday, July 28, 2007

Praying for "eternal miracles"

I love words. I love words that don't always fit together. I love ideas that make me think outside of my box.
The other day, without thinking, I made a comment to someone using the phrase "eternal miracle." It was an accidental word connection, but it made me think....
I hear so much about wanting a miracle here and now...a healing, money, a car, an answer to a need in life....and yet I thought...most of what we want is temporal, earthly, temporary.

In using this phrase "eternal miracle" my imagination began to soar....what could that mean? For me it means a life is changed in such a way that there is an eternal eternal means that salvation for a lost soul IS that "eternal miracle"...a life changed for
Physical healing is only for a few years...and then the one healed will die anyway! Money will meet a need for today, but then it's gone and we need more. I'm not saying we shouldn't pray for temporal miracles- healing, money, needs.... we should pray for those things, but I find myself suddenly more interested in praying for "eternal miracles."
I think I will focus my prayer time on those kind of miracles....I'll get to enjoy those miracles for millions of years....I'll be able to see those people forever to celebrate their "eternal miracle."

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