Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My privilege

Last night I had the great privilege of helping my granddaughter, Lucy, with her memory verse for summer bible school. The verse is John 1:17- For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

We went over the verse at least 10 times, and I know she still had a hard time remembering it, but it was late and bedtime, so we had to quit. What a great treat for me to help her learn one of the most important truths in history...grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Many will read that and skip right over it, not realizing what it says. The two things Christ brought to the human race were grace and truth. His mission on planet earth was to provide salvation, and in that provision he revealed two things about God that we needed most- God's grace and truth.

Now the discission of all of this is a great study in theology, but this simple verse gives us the theme and overview of the whole book of John. In this short verse you see what we most needed....and for a little 6 year old girl it was just a memory verse right now, but one day she will realize how important that is to her whole life.

What a privilege for me to share this verse with Lucy.


  1. I wish I had had a grandparent such as you. What a blessing Lucy has.

  2. That's why I love Awana so much. They learn all those "TEAM Training" verses. They don't always understand right away, but they will later. And as they get old enough, all the big words are explained.

    One of my precious memories is John as a 3-year-old saying a simplied Romans 3:23 and 6:23 to his stuffed gingerbread man, "Spice".
