Thursday, June 21, 2007


It's been a crazy week, with the next two days just as bad. I have not even had time to stop by here and visit for a bit. I am sorry for that. We have been running dawn to dark, and sneak in a little time to rest. I understand this is normal in our culture, but yesterday I only had time to read two chapters in the word. That is not normal for me....and it throws up red flags for me...if I am too busy for time in the word then something has to change. I hope I can make those adjustments today.

I hope your Thursday is a great day, and don't let the busyness of life keep you from time with God....I know for me that's not a good thing.

Jesus understood the need for time away from the crowds. He said it better than I can-

Mar 6:31 And He *said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)

I hope you can find that secluded place to spend time with the Lord today.


  1. Mike

    I woke up at 10:15 today and loved it...but it's not normal for me either so I cannot boast being a premier keeper of Sabbath or anything. Anyway, I didn't know how else to reconnect with you as you've probably been too busy to get back to my blog (how did you get there in the first place?). I have some thoughts that I am currently blaming you for and thought it might be fun to dialogue a bit to see what kind of thoughts we can develop. When you get a chance that is.

  2. Brett,

    I would love to visit with you about your ideas. Feel free to contact me, and let's visit. You can reach me at

  3. That is not normal for me....and it throws up red flags for me...if I am too busy for time in the word then something has to change. I hope I can make those adjustments today.

    Hi Mike,

    This happens to me as well, but a good thing about me having sleep apnea and allergy problems is that at times I am forced to rest. I hope you get the right amount of rest Mike.

  4. Mike,
    Crazy week is a great description for me as well. It's been wonderful having my sister, her kids, and my mom here to visit for VBS this week. VBS was awesome for my nephews as they had a blast. Spending time with family has been wonderful, but my quiet time was next to nil. Now that VBS is over and family departs for Sooner country this morning, I'm ancticpating the time to curl up in my chair and sit on the steps of my soul. A phrase that Jill Briscoe uses (and I so enjoy)..."I go to the Deep Place where nobody goes"...before I surface to the shallow places where everyone lives." I so need that time with the Lord before I can deal with everyone else. I will say that I did finish the first chapter in Church History, and it is an easy read. I pray that you have some wonderful time in the Word and sit on the steps of your soul with the Lord.
