Sunday, June 17, 2007

Monday's cartoon

I love this cartoon!

Let me invite you to finish this sentence after you watch the video-

It reminds me of ___________.


  1. Hi Mike!

    Haha...that so reminds me of how we are often treated as Christians! In the end, despite how we are perceived, we overcome... Thanks :)

  2. That's very funny, because I was going to say that's how I've seen Christian's treat each other (or sometimes outsiders) when they don't want anyone new to come into their group.

    We forget we're all just birds. And sometimes we can act pretty silly.

    Thanks, Mike!

  3. Brando stole my thunder.

    -Ian Scott

  4. I agree with Brandon, it reminds me of how groups of poeple treat others who are not exactly like they are. We can all be so closed minded at times and focus on our differences instead of our similarities.

    P.S. What happened to your other blog? Not much going on there...

  5. Re. the other blog- I have some ideas...but just haven't had time to write. I will get back to it. Thanks for asking.

  6. I hate to say it but it reminds me of the MSM. (Main Stream Media) They just dont seem to know or care that they have been exposed.
