Friday, June 01, 2007

Back to basics

I still remember the experience of learning to ride a bicycle when I was a child. It seemed impossible at could anyone do this? But then, suddenly...somehow you get it. It's an experience most of us remember. Then it goes from LEARNING how to ride a bicycle to KNOWING how to ride a bicycle.

At times I wish the Christian life were like that...something I could learn, accomplish and have as a KNOWING. Some may find that place, but for me I have to often revisit the basics. As long as I have been a Christian I find that I must come back to the foundational things over and over again. For some reason I lose sight of them. It's that compass check, that recalibration that helps me keep my course right.

Here are some of my basics that I have to revisit often-

1. I often have to remember who God is. That he is sovereign. That he cares. That he's loving. That he is always good. The world around me keeps God fuzzy, but the bible is very clear about God- what he's like, what he thinks, and what he cares about. One of the best books for me, besides the bible, on this topic is "Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer. I read it at least once a year.

2. I often have to remember what Christ has done for me. I forget. The finished work of Christ didn't just provide heaven for me someday, but it gives me his life today...right now. I can live the resurrection life today, and I forget that. I read Romans several times a year to keep this clear in my mind.

3. I often have to remember what God promises. There are key passages for me that I visit often in the bible. They are the "frame" of my life, and I will stop by them many times through the year.

4. I often have to remember that life isn't fair. It seems that my heart, and those that I counsel want "fair"...whatever that means. It's almost as if we know how things should be...what's right...but it's not. It's not "fair". You are right. It won't be "fair" (whatever that is) until Jesus comes back. My dad always said, "son, fair isn't till August in Des Moines." What he meant was that life isn't fair....things aren't right....not yet. Psalm 37 helps me with this.

5. I often have to remember that God will care for me. I fret, yes it's true...I fret. I worry. Not as much as I use to, but I still do it...I have to go back to Matthew 6 often in a year to just rest in God's direction to me.

6. I often have to remember that I have a helper in this life. God has given me his Spirit to live in me and help me. I forget.....and try to live this Christian life on my own. I go to Galatians 5 to remind myself of his ability to help me in my life.

There are more. Today I simply wanted to begin the discussion. So now, let me invite you to join me. I have left a number of these basics out because I want to invite you to add to my list.

What are your basics?

What are the things you consider core to your walk with God, but must often remember?

What's on your "back to basics" list?


  1. In addition to a couple you shared I have to remember that humility invites meaning. Meaningful conversations, meaningful opportunities to serve, meaningful lessons, meaningful acts of love, meaningful prayer....

  2. I like your list...
    Reminding myself that He is for me and not against me - and with that that He is Good. I remember the day that I owned that truth. It was like taking all of my life and looking at it through different glasses. If God is good, and He is for me and not against me... all of these things are for my good and for me. I might not be able to understand them at the moment, but I believe it to be true. That truth has changed my life.

  3. 1-God is God, and I'm not!
    2-God knows the end from the beginning and has it all under control.
    3-God yearns to have a relationship with ME. He doesn't want legalistic obedience but a loving child who yearns to please him.
    4-God wants me to rest in him, to seize striving and let him handle it.

    That's a beginning for me.

  4. wow what a wonderful list, I need to print that off and keep it in front of me at all times, I think you pretty much covered it. Thanks for making always think!!!I also like the one about humility invites meaning - how true is that!!! sorry I don't have anything to add, but I feel like the ones you listed are the ones I struggle daily with, making sure these basics aren't just head knowledge but heart knowledge daily.
