Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mr Bean goes to Church

Something fun for a Saturday. I wonder if I put people to sleep like this? But it is funny! Have a great weekend.


  1. I think he was sitting behind me last week. But must have been a different church. The sermon seems to be in an unknown language....

    Made me giggle. LOL. Especially the holding the eyes open part.

  2. This is one of my favorite Mr. Bean Skits!

  3. Back on a very cold Wednesday night in February, I was incredibly intrigued by a pastor in the German church plant I attend on those particular evenings. The sermon was interesting, the room cozy. At the beginning of the talk the pastor snickered and said that he hoped no one would fall asleep over the topic, but it was one that needed to be questioned. About 10 minutes after the worship singing and into the talk, all of a sudden a very loud rumble began. In the center aisle seat a German man (someone that had come in to get out of the cold basically) began to snore. It was simply so funny we almost all snorted in our laughter!!!!! Yes, even the pastor. The fella slept through the entire hysteria. I receintly passed him on the street. I just smiled.

  4. We appreciated the Mr. Bean video and all gathered 'round the computer. Thanks for finding interesting stuff for your blog. I never know what I'll find.

    Thank you for all the updates today at church. We left feeling our spirits were rallied and revived.

  5. we echo heidi's comments about the services at church yesterday. wonderful to hear about what is going on around there and how people are feeling. just las week somebody i know was actually complaining that the services have been boring and it feels like morale is down. i came away from that conversation feeling pretty down so, it was great to hear some encouraging stuff yesterday.

  6. I didn't do that when I was on stage, did I? Julie did nudge me a time or two! (j/k)

    I, too, was encouraged by Sunday. It's reassuring to know that we're following "normal" patterns. Yes, it will be challenging at times, but also exciting! God is definitely at work, and the people we have at CBC are just the ones we need! And the body is still the body, and Christ is still the head.
