Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Quote of the day

My wife is reading some teaching material that they are writing for the women's bible studies this fall. She said, "Hey, they quoted you!" I was thrilled! Finally, I said something, although probably said before by someone else, that now has my name on the quote line! How great is that?! Here's the quote:

"God's plan is completely different from what you could ever imagine and much more glorious than you would ever expect."

-Mike Messerli


  1. Truth will always be right, right?

    The Truth is: God knows better!

    Great quote, pastor.


  2. That's a great thing to keep in mind these days!

  3. I am not surprised you were quoted. I have written some of your quotes in my journal.

  4. Hi Mike,

    I think running into this truth at seminary is one of my favorite things.

    I have met people who are already living out their callings and they are taking classes for a variety of reasons.

    I was just describing a couple of those people to someone today. Marveling at how perfect their "job" is for them. And for most of them they will tell you quickly that they can't believe what they are doing or how it was that God got them there. So cool!
