Friday, May 04, 2007

A great find

I couldn't believe my luck! My wife and I were at the bookstore today, and I found a book that I have wanted to read for only $5.00!

The author, Blaise Pascal, lived in the 17th century, but is still considered one of the world's great thinkers. I'm really looking forward to some time to sit down with a cup of coffee and begin to read this great work.

I'll keep you updated...


  1. I think if my mind were on fire, someone would pour water on it to put it out.


    I'm just happy you found a book you wanted for such a bargain! Usually someone I know drags home bargains that were just cheaper stuff that they didn't want in the first place....

  2. Isn't it amazing that he did so much before he died at the young age of 39? Now that I'm older than that, I just think, "What have I done with my life?"
