Thursday, May 03, 2007


I am waking up to a coffee roaster died last night! Now, I's not the end of the world, but you must understand that fresh roasted coffee is the stuff they will serve in heaven, it's wonderful. So I'm having some angst this morning over my new reality...I will have to buy my beans ALREADY ROASTED! Woe is me! What will I do?

Now, you may say what's the big deal...but if you only knew. It's amazing...fresh roasted coffee is great. Ok, enough pouting. I must do as they do in Haiti....make do. The Haitians have an expression, "Degaje!" It means make do. In Haiti everything is broken, so they must make do with what they have. So, for me, this is a degaje day...I will make do and get my coffee the old fashioned way...from the store...until I can get another roaster. So, if you see me, give me a pat on the back and that understanding look.

I am in "degaje" mode today.


  1. You could always switch to tea. (Republic of Tea, "British Cuppa" is just wonderful)

  2. I'll mourn with you! So sorry! Your fresh roasted java is amazing.

    Yesterday I had to fast for a medical water and worst of all NO COFFEE. I had a screaming-lack-of-caffeine headache by the time I got to the medical office at 9:30. Honestly, I couldn't even THINK without my morning jolt of java. By the time I finished my test, I could have used an IV infusion of caffeine to catch my body up with it's normal quota. Ugh. Coffee - it's just one of life's simple joys, isn't it?

  3. And you were so pleasant yesterday. I would have never guessed!
