Saturday, May 05, 2007


I am amazed by the reach of this community called blogging. It is constantly fascinating to me that people from around the world stop by this blog, if even for a moment, and may read words that could change their lives.
My goal in my life is to make an eternal difference. I wonder.....what will God do with the words written on these blogs that speak of faith and Christ? Who will read this and other blogs like it, and come closer to faith through these words?
I wonder...and it's exciting to think touch a life on the other side of this little planet in a way that will change their eternity. The thought of all of this is exciting to me. I think about those from China, Russia, Greece and south America who come by this blog....where will they spend their eternity? Did I make a difference?
My goal in starting this blog was to share my own passion and faith, and I have done that, but I'm not writing simply for my own gratification. I'm writing to speak to others I may never meet about faith and Christ.
So, why are you reading this blog? What made you stop by?
And, if you are blogging yourself, why are you writing? What's your goal?
Just some thoughts.....


  1. I read your blog for a number of reasons.
    1. Your words help put me back on track when I feel like life has knocked me off my rails.
    2. Your words remind me of our powerful God who is totally in control of everything when I feel like life is spinning out of control (the blog with the little kid on the front of the airplane was heaven sent and exactly what I needed that day).
    3. Your words (and pictures) make me laugh out loud and I need those days.
    4. But primarily, I read your blog to check in on "you" -- to see how you are doing and to see if there are any clues on how I should be praying for you.

    With much respect...

  2. I blog because I have all these thoughts in my brain and if they don't spill out somehow I might hemorrage and fall over.

  3. I started reading this blog during a difficult time, it felt safe and secure and I've been a big fan ever since. Thank you for that! I blog so family and friends who live elsewhere can keep in touch though pics and my goings on.

  4. I read your blog because you encourage me. I'm not patronized or made to feel inadequate by your words. Rather, you are a fellow faith walker who carries a standard/banner I can identify and follow. Thanks for always holding the standard upright.

  5. I read your blog because you so eloquently write the words I would love to express. I also greatly appreciate your honesty and willingness to not be perfect.

    I blog because, like Brent, I have so many words that I need to use and way too many thought swirling around in my brain - somehow it all needs to come out! It's been great therapy and much cheaper than a psychiatrist. =-)

  6. I am very curious by nature. I also really like people. I love hearing how they think. Blogs of people I know or friends they recommend offer me a safe place to be curious, to learn what people are thinking and to meet new people.

    Right before I select Bookmarks... blogs I like... finishing well... I always have fun with the thoughts and feelings that go with, I wonder what Mike decided to put on his blog today? As with your other commentors I am never disappointed.

    I basically blog for the same reasons you do. When I was first introduced to blogging, most sights I investigated were running family updates, while I think those are great I wasn't inspired to do that myself. Then last fall someone told me about your blog. Your blog inspired me. I wanted a place to process what God is teaching me. I also wanted a place where people could express back to me what God is showing them.

    Randomly it has sparked some very important off blog exchanges.

    So thanks for reeling me in! :)

  7. I meant to share why I blog. Sorry I missed that one. I blog to share Christ with visitors from my "big" site who find my obscure link to my personal blog. ;) The audience of women, stopping by in curiousity...I hope they get to see some reality in the highs and lows where Jesus is by my side.

  8. I read your blog so that I can "hear" your voice in my head and then I don't miss you so much.

    I read because what you write challenges me, encourages me, convicts me, teaches me, confuses me (sometimes! hahaha)

    I like the pictures, videos and cartoons you post = )

    I blog so that people will know whether I'm still alive or not. If I don't post every night, someone calls to make sure I'm not dead! Seriously!!

    I blog so that my running club buddies can keep up on my training, my race results, my injuries, etc.

    I blog so that I don't have to spend as much time on the phone, which I really don't enjoy. This way I communicate with everyone at one fell swoop!

    I blog so that Petey is kept up to date on what's happening at home so he doesn't feel left out of life here.

    I blog so that I can touch someone else's life...what an opportunity! What a responsibility...

  9. My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives! :)

    (Mel Brooks, "Blazing Saddles")

  10. Sorry I didn't get to finish that on before I hit publish so I apologize for it sounding mean and sarcastic. I meant to say Brent's comment reminded me of this:

    My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives! :)

    (Mel Brooks, "Blazing Saddles")

    Insert uncomfortable laugh here


