Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dealing with floods

Psa 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?"

It's raining in Texas! We don't get a lot of rain. In fact we have been in a draught for several years, but when it does rain, wow! Today is a "wow" day. We live in a house that has foundation problems, so rain is not a good thing. Our back patio "leans" toward the house instead of away from it, so when we get the rains of spring I run home to make sure we don't get flooded. We are hoping to fix this, but right now we must deal with it. So, for us, if the foundations are destroyed, what can we do? The answer? get wet!! I am soaked, and have been trying to battle the water and keep it out of our house. Today I won! I haven't always beaten the storms in the past, but it has taught me a lot.

I now understand this verse so clearly.

We may do our best to fight back the floods of sin and wickedness in our cultures, but if the foundations are destroyed, if we have a country and culture that no longer has a moral foundation, what can we do? Many are doing their best to fight back the floods of our culture, and are frustrated by the lack of success. Personally, I am convinced that to win this battle we must deal with it one life at a time. When I am following God there is one life making a difference in the storm. One "house" that didn't get flooded.

I change the culture one changed life at a time. I may not stop the flood, but there are days when I win. When one life is changed, and on that day I fought back the floods and rebuilt the foundation in one more life.

I am not a political person. I have never felt that is the place to put my energies. You can't change culture through law, you can only change it through the heart.

So, today I fought back the flood....maybe tomorrow I will be able to do that in a life....so, getting wet is a small price to pay to win the battle on this day.

Excuse me....but the rain has started up again. I must go fight the battle!

1 comment:

  1. We are fighting the flood waters with you today. Never has our house flooded but today we discovered that the drainage trench installed two years ago is not adequate for this kind of rain. We are soaking wet too. Came in to dry off and see if our efforts in expanding the trench will help....Then we will head back out with wide flat brooms and a shovel.

    Great analogy. I agree its frustrating to think about the flood waters of this icky culture. We beat it back but the toxic waters keep rising. Thankfully God provides the escape but we get wet in the process!
