Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Marketing Jesus

Amazing! Now there is a whole line of "Jesus" characters for your different passions of life. Here's one. It's called, "I am freedom". There is a whole line of these figures with different "I am" slogans attached. Here are a few of your many choices- "I am freedom", "I am youth", "I am spirit"....

Well, this shouldn't be a surprise that the world would exploit Jesus for money, they always have, but they don't want to respond to his message.

I'm not sure if I'm disgusted or just amused....


  1. The problem is 'I'.
    The other one that make me cringe is a bumper sticker that says 'The power of pride'
    The 'Do Your Own Thing' slogan.

  2. Coming soon to a protestants dashboard near you!

    P.S. I couldn't figure out why Jesus has a chicken's tail sticking out his backside! (I finally figured out what it really was.)

  3. Just a bit more commercialism than the WWJD headbands, bracelets, bumper stickers, shirts.....

    I think its creepy.

  4. Yeah, its...i don't know.

    But it would be cooler with a Jesus and His Disciples Motorcycle Gang collectors set.

    For "I am Freedom" maybe they should have a picture of Jesus not sinning and being a servant. That would be a novel idea for a Christian to follow.

  5. This is Jenny - at least we all know that it is now possible to purchase a particular Jesus that expresses our own personal life choices. I know that there has been a real void in the market regarding this.

    Makes me sad.
