Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday's cartoon

Ask Jesus along for the "ride", and he's going to change things. It's what he does best.


  1. Let's be honest:

    The mere fact that Jesus is the "co-pilot" is the problem. If the guy were thinking, he'd let Jesus be the pilot & drive the car.

    That's even more difficult than not wanting him to change the radio station.

  2. Amen brother Brent. Remember the last part of 10 Shekles and a Shirt? Take the keys LORD and I will get into the trunk. Take me where you will.

  3. Yes, I agree with you both, but I couldn't find a cartoon with Jesus in the driver's seat. I used what I had to work with.

  4. Never in doubt Brother Mike just commenting on the cartoon.
    Probably visually hard to illustrate.


  5. Dave, thanks. I agree with you though...wish I had one as you guys describe....

    How about some coffee, Dave? Love to get together.

  6. Coffee sounds great. It will be great sustenance when the second boy arrives in July!


  7. Or....maybe....

    He tosses us the keys and says, "Take 'er for a spin, kid." And we're like, "Cool ride, Lord! Hop in!" And we're heading down the road, and He says, "I've always been intrigued by those signs with the two digit numbers on them." And we say, "Ummm, those are just suggestions, Lord." And a few minutes later He says, "Why are there flashing blue lights behind us?"

    Yes, I want Him to lead me wherever He wants, but somehow I see it more as my free will decision to get there with His leading and prompting. And His power and strength.... Ah ha! New bumper sticker: "God is my GE90-115B jet engine." (Hey, cut me a break, it's 4:30 in the morning!)

    Like all good analogies, they fall apart with too much analysis. Oh well, just a thought, guys.

  8. It's really funny, though.

    I read somewhere that we grow in the valleys because that's where all the fertilizer is. And the reality of it is that if Jesus is driving He doesn't spend too much time at the scenic vistas.

    And I need my radio station changed. Whew. But when I'm being stupid I don't like it. Why is it that change, even when it's done by Jesus, is so darn uncomfortable. And why do we care so much about comfort?

    Great cartoon, Mike.

  9. You what's funny is that this silly picture keeps popping up in my head. I find myself laughing at situations where this picture seems to fit what I am seeing. I really see this is how some baby Christians see how GOD is supposed to work for them.

    16:4 The Lord works everything for its own ends – even the wicked for the day of disaster.
    16:9 A person plans his course,
    but the Lord directs his steps.
