Thursday, February 15, 2007


Pro 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.
I must tell you that God loves me because he gave me such a wonderful wife! My sweet wife, Joye, and I celebrate 33 years of marriage today!
We are most blessed, and I'm thrilled to have such a wonderful partner to go through life with.
I have indeed found favor from the Lord!


  1. Congratulations! Have a fun day celebrating!

  2. Congratulations! May you have 33 more!

  3. That's really cool, Mike! Congratulations!

    Even if we made a joke at the elder meeting last night when Randy mentioned your "excused absence" so you could celebrate, that it was the third anniversary you've celebrated this year and they always seemed to occur on meeting nights. Sorry about that.

    Well, not really all that sorry.

  4. Woohoo! Mike and Joye were married when I was three years old!!

    (Sorry, did my pointing that out make you feel old, Mike? My mistake.)

    Congratulations to you both!

  5. congratulations!

    my husband and i celebrate our 8th anniversary very soon. i am so excited to see what the coming years hold for us! it is so neat to hear of couples who have been together fo so long an who are so happy! :)
