Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day!

I had to run by the store tonight on my way home and stumbled into the funniest site! In the store were roses and cards on display for Valentine's day and hovering around them were dozens of men, glazed looks in their eyes staring at cards, flowers and candy. They looked lost and confused. It almost made me laugh until I realized I had joined them. And like the other devoted men in line I paid way too much for my dozen roses and went home to my wonderful wife. Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. And I'm sure your wife appreciated it too!!! :)

  2. Yes, but we wives don't care if it's last minute or way ahead of time. We are just thrilled our husbands made an effort!

  3. Repeat after me: They'll even send you a little reminder next year, so you can order your roses a month early. You can get reminders for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

    No, I don't own stock in the company, just a long-time and happy customer.
