Saturday, February 17, 2007


One year ago today a young man in our community died from an overdose of drugs. I had the honor of doing his funeral. In the course of those days, after he was found, the grief of the family began to pour out. It was a very difficult time.
Over the years I have done many funerals like this, and they are all hard...the loss of a loved one, the sadness of bad choices, the questions "why?", the hurt.....there is so much that goes on in our hearts with a loss like this.
All of this is called life, and it's not simply a straight road off into the horizon. There are many twists and bends in our roads that we don't see coming. We all want a straight, smooth road with no bumps or surprises...just an easy course to eternity, but life doesn't work that way. The road we are on isn't always smooth, straight, easy or predictable. It's bumpy, with twists we didn't expect, it's rarely smooth and straight only happens in's life!
I love the script of the movie "Parenthood" with Steve Martin when his wife talks about life, and how we look at it, whether we are a "roller coaster person" or a "merry-go-round person". Some people hate the roller coaster, and others love it. I have always been like Steve Martin's character- I like the's more predictable, no surprises. But I am honestly glad this life we are living isn't just a boring road into the distance, or a merry-go-round going in circles. I'm glad there are surprises, I am thrilled to have times of laughter and sorrow, I can't wait to see what's around the next turn in the road.....because I get to use those times to trust God more. My bumps, twists, turns, sorrows, surprises and disappointments are all faith opportunities...what will I do with them? How will I respond to the bump? What will I do with the next disappointment? How will I handle my next loss? How will I respond to the next praise I receive? How will I handle the blessings I get? Will good days make me comfortable? Will bad days make me bitter?
All of it is an opportunity to grow in faith. I think I got some of that from my mom, she is the ultimate "life-adventurer", she lives for the opportunity to see what God will do next, and can't wait to rejoice in it. How's your life going- an adventure or an ordeal? Let me encourage you to join me as a "life-adventurer."

Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
Pro 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your roads straight.

Psa 43:5 Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

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