Monday, November 13, 2006

Life lessons

I have always loved this picture. It's so amazing that this lighthouse can stand against the waves that pound it daily, but I recently read that the designers of these lighthouses figured out a way to link the blocks together so that when it's hit by a wave the blocks of the building are pushed together, tighter, and the building is stronger because of the waves that hit it.
I'm finding that I am becoming that way as well. Problems that would have knocked me down a few years ago only annoy me now. I am becoming stronger because of the problems. Now, I must admit I don't like difficult times any more than anyone else...they are very annoying, but I am beginning to see what God is up to- he's using these times to get my attention and my trust. The struggles are making me stronger in my faith.
I wish someone would have told me all of this years ago, but I don't think I would have understood it as well as I do now, having gone through all of these waves myself. The problems of life do take a toll- there are scars from the fight, but the inner strength we gain, the faith developed is amazing to see. We have a dear friend and her husband who have gone through a very difficult time and her recent post is wonderfully written about her walk of faith. May I encourage you to read it? I think it will be a real encouragement. Here's her blog-


  1. That's an incredible picture! I didn't know that about lighthouses - very interesting. Like you, I can certainly see that happen in my life. But if I knew that earlier in my life (and I had heard people tell me that), I don't think I would have reacted differently. I think the difference is made on the backside of going through that huge wave - it's seeing that you are still standing and stronger than before. You wouldn't believe it otherwise (at least I wouldn't have until it actually happened). Now I have so many experiences to draw upon - but I just have to remember those experiences in times of crisis! Thanks, Mike!

  2. Amen and amen, my friend. Stronger indeed.

  3. P.S. Happy birthday yesterday :)

  4. Mike,
    I was unable to get to church and hear your sermon yesterday because just about everybody in our house is sick. I heard that it was good. Looking forward to finding it online. It will be online?

    I am so thankful for your posts, especially during these times when we can't make it into church. Your posts are so encouraging. Thank you!

  5. Stephanie,

    yes, the message should be online today. You can find it online no later than Tuesday. It's part one of three. Do let me know what you think.


  6. I love lighthouses, and that's a great picture. I'm trying to imagine what it's like to stand there where that guy is standing... does he get soaked? Knocked over? I don't have anything deep to share... just wondering. (Lord, please don't send a wave just now.)

  7. On Finding GOD:

    - What, why are you trying to find GOD?. He isn’t lost.
    - I know but I am.

    I would have liked to have known Matt, I will bet he had his mothers heart.

    - Before I walked around as if in a dream but I am awake now, my eyes are open.

    Teach me LORD, lead me.

    I have a boy almost 3 years old. I thank GOD and enjoy every second I can with him. With my wife I enjoy seeing the mother in her. When we are alone I enjoy her,to glorify GOD with my wife and son. I am enjoying every second. Why GOD chose me I will never know nor can I say thank you enough just for the time I have had, but there’s more.. He isn’t done just yet. He wants you too.
    Life Lesson: We seek HIM in our sufferings, I want to glorify HIM in my 'every' time. With each hug and cry and fit scream - wow what a softy I have become. You would never know it if you met me. I look like pretty rough bald guy I guess. Good googly moogly I just like the sound of that sorry. FYI: Trying to beat some sense into your friend didn’t fly that well, but showing them you care and not stepping away said more. What was it Tim used to say? Preach Christ, when necessary speak.

