Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A personal psalm

In a class I teach I asked the students to write a Psalm. I really loved the one that Janet wrote. It has such a wonderful flavor of the kind of Psalm that David would have written. I hope you enjoy her psalm, and let me encourage you to write your own psalm. I would love for you to share them in your comments. What is your psalm?

Psalm 000
Written by Janet *******
November 12, 2006

For the director of music. With stringed instruments.

What a glorious morning to be on this earth, O Lord!
I praise your Holy Name and all the blessings you have bestowed upon me.
You’ve given me eyes to see and ears to hear in your beautiful world.

I joyfully start my day with a run through your path of peace.
You give me strength to go further and faster than I could do on my own.
I see the moonbeam fade and the sunrise to the east –
your symbol of a new day full of promise and hope.


Hear my prayer, O Lord, as I prepare for the day ahead.
May your Holy Spirit give me peace during times of tribulation.
Give others the comfort that only you alone can provide.
May your love endure forever and ever.


  1. Very cool!

    But I'm afraid if I wrote a Psalm it would be like "Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub." I'll have to ponder that for a while...maybe I do have a creative bone somewhere...

  2. What a beautiful Psalm. I don't know how I could follow that! :)

    I just listened to your sermon from Sunday. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to part 2 next week (hopefully we will all be well enough to make it next week!). I have to say that it was like you were speaking to me. I needed to hear what you had to say this week. Thank you, Mike, for helping me in my spiritual growth and maturity.

  3. You, O Lord, have given mankind over to exchange truth for error;

    As mankind has made this exchange they have also exchanged the natural for the unnatural;

    The natural activities of worship and fellowship, have been replaced by lies and discord;

    But you, O Lord, have allowed mankind to experience what a world independent of you is like;

    And the experience has allowed mankind to experience the pain and grief that you, O Lord, have experienced a hundredfold;

    Mankind's pain is real, O Lord, but miniscule in comparison to Yours;

    Thank you, O Lord, for being the wild lover that You are;

    Help me to love so wildly.
