Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blessed by God

I must tell you that I am blessed. It's not what you may's much better than anything you could imagine...I must share it with you. I got an e-mail this week from a member of our church family. I am so blessed by the message I just had to share it with you:

My daughter (Jenna - age 8) and I are committed to praying for you each night this week as you prepare for your sermon; that you be lifted up by God, that you are not nervous (Jenna prays this) and to communicate God's word effectively. God bless you and we know you will do well.

Isn't that wonderful? I am so blessed...Jenna is praying for me! I smile even as I write that.

Lord, thank you for Jenna's prayers. Do answer them so she can see how wonderful you are.


  1. Amen.

    The prayers of the saints...oh what a wonderful thing. The biggest hornet awakened has indeed been the church's realization of prayer. One of my favorite quotes:

    “Prayer is the secret work that develops a life that is thoroughly authentic and deeply human”
    Eugene Peterson

    How marvelous that we as the church can share in the "secret work" of God in the lives of people.

    I look forward to Sunday and a demonstration of God's faithfulness.


  2. what a heart warming story. thank you for sharing.

  3. I can't seem to find the sermon from Pete on the church's website. Would love to be able to listen to it.

  4. Anonymous,

    send me your e-mail address at and I will send you the link.


  5. Dear Mike,

    God surely did answer Jenna and the many praying for you's prayers! What a wonderful message!
    You are a gifted communicator!

