Saturday, October 07, 2006

A rest day

My fellow pastor, Brent, blogged this morning that he was taking a much needed day of rest. I loved his choices for the day. I think I will do the same, except for the football thing...not a big football fan, sorry. Maybe, for me, a little yard work, some time to wander down a quiet path in my mind and not think of anything for a while, a nice lunch at TGI Fridays, dinner with our grand-daughters (oh, and their parents too), and some reading. I, like Brent, have been so busy I really have to "plan" rest, I've almost forgotten how to do it...but I think I can figure it out. Hope you get some time to wander down quiet paths today as well.


  1. enjoy your day of rest, mike. we look forward to hearing your sermon tomorrow!

  2. Sermon? Tomorrow??? Uh Oh...I forgot!

    (not really...and thanks for the prayers. I am looking forward to hearing what God will say.)


  3. Day of rest...what's that? I think I've forgotten. Seems like our "days off" include a whole lot of Marcus band! Off to Arlington to watch them perform...


  4. I'm looking forward to hearing what God will say tomorrow, too. Hope you are getting a good rest.

  5. Mike I just randomly got to your blog after being on the internet for a while, avoiding homework (i'm at texas A&M) and was reminded of how i was going to tell you this a long time ago after one of your sermons and never got a chance or maybe just never did- but you are one of my favorite teachers =)
    I really love the way God speaks through you. God has really gifted you (and i'm sure you already know that). But it's really special and i just wanted you to know that. I wish i could be there tomorrow, but I'll be here in College Station. Have a wonderful day =)
    Rachel Forrest

  6. Rachel,

    thank you for your comments. Wow! I'm honored, and thanks for sharing. Thank you too for your prayers.


  7. pastor,

    i am a new visitor to your church, but i read your blog often and i think you are so nice and so hospitable in your comments. i look forward to your preaching and leadership. i think you will be great.
