Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hiding in plain sight

Psa 11:1 In the LORD I take refuge; How can you say to my soul, "Flee as a bird to your mountain;
Psa 11:2 For, behold, the wicked bend the bow, They make ready their arrow upon the string To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
Psa 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?"
Psa 11:4 The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD'S throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.
Psa 11:5 The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked, And the one who loves violence His soul hates.
Psa 11:6 Upon the wicked He will rain snares; Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.
Psa 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness; The upright will behold His face.

I have felt like David. I have wanted to run to the mountains. Run away and hide. When things get hard I look for a place to hide. A place to be safe. A place to run to. A place away from the problems of life.

I love this chapter because David felt the same way I do at times. He was being chased, hated, hassled and hunted. If anyone had the right to these words it's David. And yet he chose to hide in plain sight.

He says in verse 1, "In the LORD I take refuge." In the midst of a desire to flee from the problems of life he hid in plain sight, he hid in the Lord. In the midst of the storm David was in the Lord, in the perfect refuge...hiding in plain sight.

I am so grateful that David made such a wonderful discovery for us...we don't need to run away to hide. We can hide in plain sight. We can hide in the Lord.


  1. I appreciate your words so much. I would like to hide in the Lord at wherever that picture was taken, though :)

  2. You are funny! I agree with you, that would be the best place to hide in the Lord, huh?

  3. kathy d, I'd like to hide there with ya. Maybe bring some ski-wear.

    Mike, very awesome truth. Thank you!
