Wednesday, January 09, 2013


"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope."

Grief is part of the human experience. We avoid it, we dread it, but we will all experience it. Grief, when it happens, changes us and our lives and our future. There is no retreat from the loss that caused our grief. We grieve because our lives have been changed a way we never imagined, never wanted.

Grief is our response to a terrible loss. It's the right response to loss. How could we not cry when we lose someone we love? How could we not grieve when we are shocked by something that should never have happened? Grief is a right response to the loss. Tears are part of the grieving process.

Grief is also social. We grieve best in community. We need each other more when a loss happens and we gather together to grieve, to cry, to sorrow. Somehow community helps us deal with grief. We have an opportunity to talk about our loss, our pain, our hurt. We have a chance to cry with someone who listens and cares about us.

Grief, believe it or not, is a gift from God. He helps us through our grief to give us peace and comfort. What grief tells us all is that this is not the way it is supposed to be. What has happened to us that has caused our grief is not right, not the way we should live. And our response, as we grieve, tells us this is not the way we were designed.

Soon grief will be done away with. Tears will be dried. Reasons for grief will be permanently dealt with. Soon God will put death to death and grief will no longer be part of our lives. Until then he gives us hope, peace, a promise of eternal life ahead. Until then he gives us each other to hug, to cry, to grieve together. Until the day grief is put to death he gives us the promise of peace and life ahead. This is not the end.....grief will one day be swallowed up in joy.

This morning I look forward to that day more than I can tell you....


  1. Praying for you and your family Mike. I'm so sorry for your loss. May God comfort your heart and give you His peace.

    With a heavy heart,

  2. Thank you Cathy. As a veteran of grief and tears your words are precious.

  3. Sitting quietly in a chair nearby. wanting to reach out & give hugs. Sharing your loss. So sad that you are sad.


  4. So very sorry...praying for you all. Kathy

  5. thank you all for your notes and love. you are a wonderful blessing!
