Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dawn is near

It's been night for a while now. Most of the culture around us lives and walks in darkness, stumbling over they know not what. There are hints of light on the horizon, but most have been in darkness so long they have no idea what to expect of the day. Dawn is near and our world has only known darkness, lived in darkness....and are honestly more comfortable in the dark than in the light that is coming.

Some announce the approach of dawn, but only a few listen and respond. All they have known is darkness how could dawn be coming? It's never come before. And yet, the pink glow on the horizon hints at a change. Those in darkness tell you that the sun is permanently setting with eternal night ahead. Those who know the light smile and tell you of sunrise that is soon to come.

No one knows what to expect.

We've been in darkness for so long.

And yet the dawn was promised by the one who will introduce the eternal day, Jesus Christ. He said, "I am the light of the world; he who believes in me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Jesus often used light and life as synonyms. He considered them the same. Light and life verses darkness and death. We live in a world that only knows death and darkness, but soon light and life will come and darkness will never be known again.

Dawn is near. The sun (Son) is soon to rise and with him comes life and eternal light. Do you know him? Are you ready for the dawn? The dawn is near.


  1. Thank you, C.S. Lewis, for the word picture. I am most in debt to you. For a much better word picture of this idea read his work, "The Great Divorce". It's a wonderful story of light and dark, life and death, heaven and hell.

    Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:52:00 AM

  2. Mike,
    So sorry for your loss...praying for you and your family. Your post made me think of this verse.
    "Weeping may lodge for the night, but shouts of joy will come in the morning." (ISV) There's something about the greater the experience of darkness of night that makes the anticipation of morning and joy all the greater as well. It's a deep peace and smile in the soul while tears still flow. Thank God for the Hope that is comes in the morning.

  3. thank you, Doug. thank you for the words and verse.
