Friday, November 02, 2012

Thankful, Day 1

It's two weeks to Thanksgiving.  A great time to focus on God's blessings and provision.  Many immediately think of things, but I would like to focus these two weeks on the more permanent, but often intangible stuff of life.  I won't talk about material things in these two weeks because that would mean there are some who might read these words and think they are not blessed because they don't have _______ or ______.  So, let's talk about what we can all celebrate and give thanks for.  Let's talk about what's really important!

Today I'm thankful for life!  I'm thankful that God has allowed me to be part of his amazing creation and witness his work around me.  I'm thankful for the life he has given me to enjoy.  Daily there are pains and problems, headaches and backaches, heartaches and forgotten memories, but each day I get to be part of God's amazing creation and live to see his handiwork.  

Today I'm thankful for life.

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