Thursday, November 01, 2012


There are decisions to be made.

We each have them.

What to wear, what to eat, where to go, what to do.

Decisions are part of our lives so much that we often don't realize that each decision is based on another and another until we come to some core decisions that are foundational to all we do and think.  These core decisions filter every other decision we make.  

What is a core decision?  What is a foundational decision that would frame and filter all other decisions?  Here are a few questions that each of us ask that help us establish our core decisions, our foundations,

1. Why am I here?  Your belief and decisions about that question will determine a lot about how you decide things today.  For example, imagine your answer is "I'm here to enjoy life."  Then, from that core belief and decision about purpose and destiny, all other decisions are constructed.  Work or play?  If enjoying life is your core decision then play is the only answer.  

Here's another one,

2. Is there a God?  Your answer to that question is a core decision and belief that will determine how you live out your foundational decisions.  If you believe in God then there is someone you must deal with.  If not, then whatever works for you is just's a decision that builds a foundation for your life and every decision that follows.

Here is a core decision from one of the authors of scripture,

You are my God, and I give thanks to You;
You are my God, I extol You. 
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Psalm 118

The author of these words made a core decision, a foundational one, "You are my God" and from that decision, that belief, others followed.  It's clear that his decision to give thanks is a response to an earlier decision of faith. One builds on another.

Often we fail to realize that the decisions of today do not stand alone, they are built on a foundation we may have constructed years ago.  Now we think differently, look at things differently, make decisions differently because of decisions made years in the past.  

Your decisions today never stand alone.  They are built on the past.  That is the very reason we have so many different opinions.  Somehow we have the idea that the issue we are discussing is completely clear to everyone, but each one is working from a series of past decisions that frame the way they look at everything, including the topic you're arguing about right now.  

If you were able to revisit and discover the decisions that brought you to this day what would you find?  Are they the foundations you want to build your life upon?  Maybe it's time to revisit foundational decisions and see if these are truly the decisions you want to define your life.  It might be time for some remodeling.

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