Monday, November 12, 2012


Yesterday I turned 62.

Life passes quickly!

I never expected to get this old.  I never thought it would come so quickly!

It seems I just begin and now I'm nearly finished.  

So, may I share a few reflections from 62 years of life?

- The thing you fear rarely ever happen. 
- God has always been kind.
- Good friends are rare and hard to find.
- A Godly mate is more important than all the money in the world.
- Money doesn't make you happy.
- Pursuing happiness doesn't make you happy.
- Happy isn't as important as everyone thinks.
- Pain is a good thing.
- Discouragement is normal.
- Hope is vital.
- There is a God, only one, and I know him personally.  He wants us all to know him.
- Life is not about what you have. It's about who you are.
- The only eternal things you will ever encounter are people.
- Most of us live in fear most of the time.
- Listening is more important than talking.
- Life is short, enjoy every moment.

Just a few thoughts after only 62 years.....

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