Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I am an early morning person.  Often, in these winter months, I'm leaving the house while it's still dark.  As I get to the car I often look up at the early morning stars with awe.  In the silence of the early morning, even while no one watches, God is faithful.  Every morning he is faithful.  The witnesses to his faithful love are the morning stars when I wake.

Some would say you don't need God for that.  It's just the way the universe is, but why is it so predictable?  Why is everything so stable, so constant?  This is the not the way a chaotic, random universe would work....but it does.  Someone, something has built into this amazing universe a consistency, a stability that is amazing to even the scientists.  It is the witness to a faithful God who holds all things together and witnesses to me each morning that he is unchanging as I look up at the stars...still in their places...just where they are supposed to be, just where they were the day before.

Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  -Psalm 36:4-6 

Faithful.  What a great thing to know about God.  Ever the same, showing his power and faithfulness to us by the early morning sky that is always there and whispers in the quiet of the cool morning air that a faithful God is caring for the universe he has made.  

Thank you, Lord.  I often take your faithfulness for granted, but I'm so grateful for it. Thank you.

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