Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The politics of the Universe

"All authority has been given to Me 
in heaven and on earth." -Jesus

As I watch the politics of the day in my own country I read a lot of fear in the comments made by many people of faith.  The words go something like this, "We can't let that candidate win.  Our country will never be the same if he gets in office!"  Driving it all is a fear that reveals a poor understanding of who is really in charge.

I've been thinking and meditating on this passage spoken by Jesus as he neared the end of his time on earth.  The words are a claim that addresses all our fears in only 12 words.

If Jesus' words are true then there are some things we must make part of our thinking and our lives.  If he is right then here is what we must believe and live out,

Jesus is sovereign.  He's in charge of everything everywhere!  Nothing happens apart from his doing it or his allowing it to happen. This is true in the seen AND unseen worlds.

Jesus is king.  King over every king on this planet and any other planet.  All kings report to him and are accountable to him.

Jesus is Lord.  Lord over all the lives and affairs of men and angels.  Things we can see and things we can't.  He is Lord of all.

Jesus is in control. He's in control of who rules every country, every nation, every kingdom.  He controls the events and directions of nations. He's in control of everything.

Jesus is judge.  Jesus is the judge of all men and their choices.  Good or bad all men will report to Jesus Christ and be judged by him.  There will be a day when all the evils around us will be dealt with and Jesus is the one we will all face.

Jesus is the one who presides over the affairs of men.  He is the Lord of Lords and king of kings.  When we fearfully squabble about who will rule our countries, thinking they will save us from ourselves, we find that no man will make things right but Jesus alone.  He is the only one who will right the wrongs done, fix the problems we face, quiet the fears we experience.  Only he can be the ruler we long for....and he is!  He is the ruler of all and will soon establish his rule here.

And here's the best part....he's good, kind, loving, forgiving, merciful, gracious, caring, empathetic, honest, understanding and he is one of us!  He understands.

Although we long for a "king" who will make all things right that longing will only be fulfilled when we make Jesus king of our lives and ultimately see him be king of all.  Until then we need to remember that ALL authority has been given to him and we are in good hands.

Have a nice day.


  1. Thanks for these words. The political feeding frenzy is really reaching a fevered pitch. I appreciate your encouraging words of hope.

  2. cI like it! It does seem we the people forget who is actually in control. There seems not only fear but the hate comes threw. I really don't think that if a person's heart is right with God, they they can display that much hate.
