Monday, October 15, 2012

A spiritual walkabout

You may have noticed I haven't posted much lately.  There are times when I overflow with thoughts and the work of God in my life.  Then there are times when there is nothing in the well.  Empty, searching, wandering.  I'm in a time like that right now.  It's a time of walkabout.  Once more working on my walk with God and in those times there simply isn't much to say.  I will return with arms full of insights as I discover more of God and more of me, but for now....for the moment.....I'm on a spiritual walkabout.  Wandering a bit, but never lost.  I'll be back soon.......


  1. Praying for you and if you ask me, you'd never know it from your insights in teaching yesterday.

  2. thank you so much Lori, you are always encouraging.
