Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
A friend posted this verse on another site this morning. It's always encouraging to be reminded of truth that touches your life in a moment, truth that resonates with your very soul. This is one of those verses.

Dwell on those four words for a moment. How would your day change if you lived like that were true? It is true by the way.
"Don’t be discouraged..." Why not? Once more, here is God's reason for this admonition, "for I am your God." I don't know about you, but discouragement is one of my plagues. I fight it off frequently. I don't think I've ever spent a moment to let this truth sink into me that the reason I shouldn't let discouragement win the day is because God is MY God. The only God who exists is MY God and the result? I don't have to be discouraged.
Two admonitions for the day. Two reasons for the admonitions. Both are connected to the nature, character and person of God. In the moments that tempt you to fear or discouragement pause and read this passage. It's the words of a loving father calming a distraught child. It's the love of a parent holding the broken one sobbing from pain. It's the loving hand of the father reaching out to hold my hand and calm me. It's Father telling me, "It's ok, I'll take care of you."