Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
I'm fascinated as I read the morning news and compare it to my bible. It's as if the two are describing completely different worlds. This is the state of a world that denies God. It happens slowly, but over time an inversion takes place. What is good becomes evil. What is light becomes dark. What is bitter becomes sweet. What is right becomes wrong.
We now live, for the most part, in a culture with an inverted morality. For those who are Christians it might surprise you, but you are now considered evil for your views. The good described in the bible for those who seek God is now considered evil by the culture around us. Inversion has happened. If you think there are any sins that are wrong the inverted culture around you will ridicule you for your antiquated beliefs. Inversion has happened slowly, but it's fully in place now.
In an inverted culture everything is backwards, upside down, everything is confused....and it's confused intentionally. The goal of an inverted culture is to make right the very things the bible calls sin. It's a culture that makes true the very things we know are a lie. It's a government that punishes those who do the right things and praise those who do the wrong. It is, as Superman discovered, a Bizaro world!
When inversion happens you will read things like this on CNN's web site,
"Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, proudly proclaimed his opposition to marriage equality."
Did you see the inversion? Did you catch it? The author of this piece made Dan Cathy, a Christian who believes in biblical marriage, a man who is now opposed to marriage equality! The author made right wrong and black white. He made a good thing evil and an evil thing good. Inversion makes sin now the moral right and it makes what God says is right the moral evil of the day.
We do indeed live in an upside down world! This is happening in every area and aspect of our culture. If you're not listening carefully you will fall into agreement with the culturally inverted morality of our day, but it's wrong!
The right-side-up view of things is clearly described in the bible. God hasn't changed his views. He still says marriage is between a man and a woman only. He still says that sex outside of marriage is wrong. He still says that homosexuality is sin just as lying and stealing are sins. Even as I type this I know I will be the subject of our inverted morality and be called a bigot, someone opposed to "marriage equality", but I'm not. I view the world right side up and refuse to agree with the Bizaro upside down world around me.