Saturday, June 09, 2012

A new day

It is early morning here. Not yet enough light to see well, but the first indications that dawn is only an hour away. The birds are starting to sing. They know dawn is near. Their songs are like an orchestra tuning up before a concert. You can tell by their rehearsal the concert will be magnificent. At this time of morning it's hard to tell changes in light, but it is growing brighter by the minute. As I meet with other believers I hear this same anticipation of the approaching dawn. The Lord is coming, are you ready? It feels it could happen at any moment. But there are still so many who haven't heard, we must be about evangelism. It's all the early preparation for the songs of the dawn when the Son rises....when Jesus returns. If you have never investigated the claims of Christ I encourage you to do so. The Son is rising, he will be here soon. I so want everyone to be ready for the wonderful concert of celebration that will follow.

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