Sunday, June 10, 2012

Heart direction

"May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ." 2 Thes. 3:5. 

 I'm fascinated by this short, simple verse. It's a prayer of Paul for those suffering in Thessalonica. I would have prayed "May the Lord direct your minds..." but Paul prays for heart direction. There is a knowing of the heart that the mind cannot comprehend. There is an assurance of the heart that the mind cannot grasp. There is a relationship with God of the heart that the mind can only dream about. In this time of rest and sabbatical I have been seeking the face of God. It's a passion I acquired from David the king. He pursued the face of God. I can only imagine what that looks like because, in truth, it's a heart quest, not a quest of the mind. 

 One of the things I find as I get closer to the face of God is his love and joy in my presence. He really loves me! He likes me, he really does. He's glad to see me. Personally. I feel so inadequate to even be in his presence, unworthy, imposing on his time and attention, but he loves me. As my heart is directed into his love I begin to see myself as he does. I see the me he sees and it brings the same response that Jesus had to the love of the father....steadfastness. As Jesus prayed in the garden, steadfast in his decision to obey the father because of the father's love for him and for us, he went to the cross steadfast in obedience because he knew the father loved him. I see I cannot walk in steadfast obedience until I know the father's love. It's his love that gives me the ability to be steadfast in Christ. 

We all go through difficult days, days that challenge our commitment to faith, but the love of God will bring us to a steadfast walk that can only be known to the heart. The mind would say you are crazy, but the heart knows the Father's love and that makes all the difference.


  1. You noticing this, connecting it to your own life and writing about it is an answer to prayer for me.

  2. Thank you, Cheri, for praying for me. My hearts desire is to know and please God. I'm grateful for your prayers and your friendship. We look forward to some good food with you guys when we get back.
