Friday, June 29, 2012

Cultural insanity

One-third of Americans believe in UFOs, survey says

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I was fascinated with the article this morning on the Fox news site declaring that fully 1/3 of Americans believe in UFO's.  It fascinated me because there is no evidence of life on other planets.  We have created this amazing myth, supported it with fantastic movies and over time have convinced a gullible culture that UFO's exist.  I'm sorry, but there is not a shred of evidence that life on other planets exists.

Now, in contrast to this story many in this same culture are becoming convinced that God does not exist.  A truth that has more proof and evidence  than is needed to believe in any other fact in human history and yet around us is a growing ground swell of people who declare they are atheists.

The contrast couldn't me more dramatic.  We have come to a time of cultural insanity.  We believe what has no evidence and deny what does.  It's clear that this is what happens to any culture that turns its back on God.  Soon the fantasy becomes reality and the reality becomes myth.  

Romans 1 and Psalms 14 both talk about this culture and the results of our choices.  Over time and decisions made God will turn us over to our fantasies and a cultural insanity emerges.  

Welcome to the reality of fantasy.  

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