Friday, June 29, 2012


After a few weeks in what many call paradise we are back home in Texas (what many call purgatory).  The contrast has been amazing.   While away we spent a lot of time outside listening to the birds, walking, enjoying the weather.  Since we have been home we only venture out for errands or something to eat.  The contrast in lifestyle is dramatic and it's all connected to the temperature.  It's clear that Texas was never designed for human habitation!  

I'm so glad for air conditioning.  It makes life in purgatory bearable, but then I think of the hundreds of families in Colorado Springs who no longer have a home and my small discomforts seem rather silly.  We are wonderfully skilled at complaining about our minor pains and woes when they aren't really that bad after all.  When I think of others and contrast their lives with mine I am embarrassed that I ever whine about anything, but it is really hot in Texas....

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about this today. I live in a culture that right now is down right hot! But this only lasts for maybe 4 or 5 weeks. Right now, I shut my 150 year old house's outside shutters (yes, they really work) after 9:00 am. That and the 2 foot thick walls keep the house cool. Here on the Rhein River - in the Schwarzwald I forget how hot, HOT is. Until this time of year. One lives for bathtubs, water, shade. But - it is different in that we are used to going outside all the time. My windows are never shut (and I don't have screens) my dog sleeps under the stars on my balcony with my french doors to my bedroom open... get the picture. I have gone through 3 sets of wet clothes this day - but it is only for a while. Then we will all be back out in the fresh air, with the flowers, spending most of our time outside. A very different life than my Texas one.... in more ways than one. But... with no AC except at one grocery store (yep not even in public buildings) we still survive. But here it rarely gets into the high 90s... How did we do it in Texas when I was a kid?
