Monday, May 14, 2012

Revisiting old friends

This morning we are off to Arkansas.  I plan to spend a day with two men who were very influential in my life at university.  Both of these men have been a major part of my Christian growth and I wanted to spend some time with them while they are still here among us.

Each of us have someone who has been key to our Christian life, men or women who have touched us, helped us on the way.  I'm looking forward to these hours with two men who have been key to my walk with God.  I can't wait to ask them about their odyssey and walk with God.

I'll tell you more when I return, but for today let me ask this one question:  Who has been influential in your walk with God?  Who has helped you along the way?  Who has discipled and mentored you and how has it changed your life?  Share your stories in the comments below.

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