Monday, May 14, 2012

The rebel within

I'm reading the book of Judges and reminded once more of something I already know about myself....there is a rebel inside just waiting to get out.

The book of Judges describes Israel in the land as they over and over demonstrate the heart of man when given its way.  The cycle repeats itself so many times that it would be funny if it weren't so sad....God saves them, they forget, they turn away from God and worship other gods, God gives them their way, they don't like it, they cry out to God to save them, he saves them.....over and over it's repeated.

As I read this book it reminds me of the rebel that lives in me, the rebel that turns away from God so easily.  I hate the fact that the rebel exists in me, but he does.  Without much help I turn away from God and find myself in sin, problems develop and I cry out to God for help. He saves me (which I'm so grateful for) and then the cycle begins all over again.

It's the same battle Paul describes in Romans 7, this vicious cycle of flesh and Spirit.  I so wish I could kill this rebel within, but he constantly reminds me of why I need a Savior, why I could never please God on my own....I would never try to please him if His spirit didn't help me.

The book of Judges is my constant reminder of my life and the battle of flesh and Spirit.  It's our reminder of the direction we all go without God's help because in each of us is this rebel who has no desire to follow God.

The last verse of Judges says it better than I could, "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

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