Sunday, April 08, 2012

What if....

What if Jesus really did rise from the dead. What does that mean? What are the implications for the human race? Why is it so important?

I know there is much I cannot deal with in these words, but let me mention a few implications of the resurrection,

1. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then someone has conquered death.
2. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then there is a God who has power over death.
3. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then he is who he said he was.
4. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then there is life after death and eternity awaits us.
5. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then it is proof he never sinned.
6. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then there is hope beyond this life.
7. If Jesus really did rise from the dead then he is God.

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